My students think Instant Serials is awesome! I am delighted with the evolution of their thinking
and the responses/predictions they shared with each other (588 posts from 25 students).
-- Jan M., 6th - 7th grades, Academy School District 20, CO
One of my students called Instant Serials academic Facebook!
-- Yvonne F. - 8th grade, Connelly Springs, NC
I have enjoyed "Long Road Home" immensely. I think that you have the format just right.
I would have given up long ago, due to time constraints, if I had to digest this enjoyable reading
in larger bites. I don’t get a chance to do much reading simply for the enjoyment of it.
-- Daniel T, Engineer, age 45, Male, and Student age14 and Male
The “Rockies” group has loved sharing the site! We also love the interactive responses and replies . . .
just like instant messaging!
-- Heather W., 3rd grade, Cherry Creek School District, CO